Set your golf training targets!

traceline drill to set golf training targets

The BAL.ON traceline drill*

Achieve the pro shift every time. The BAL.ON traceline drill is a fantastic opportunity to integrate BAL.ON into the training you do with your coach. It constitutes practically a homework that he or she can send you off with individual golf training targets in between your coaching sessions. 

* Premium feature – only available via subscription.

set training targets in all areas of the game

For all areas of the game 

With the traceline drill, your coach can literally “prescribe” an ideal line of shifting as your personal target, using the pencil tool inside the heatmap. This functionality can be applied to all areas of the game, driving as well as pitching, chipping, and putting. Each would result in a different traceline as your individual golf training target.

individual values for individual golf training targets

Best use of your training time

What’s really great for your individual focus is you can turn off all other values and concentrate exclusively on the target line deemed ideal for your performance. This way, you reach your individual training targets sooner and make the best use of your precious training time.