BAL.ON Premium –
make the most out of your Smart Kit!

Train even more individually, set the targets that fit your current learning path, gain even more valuable information for your personal improvement: that’s BAL.ON Premium.
With the Traceline Drill, Balance Goals, and an expanded Training Video Library, BAL.ON Premium offers you more personalized practice and a wealth of information.
The BAL.ON traceline drill

Achieve the pro shift every time.
The BAL.ON traceline drill is a fantastic opportunity to integrate BAL.ON into the training you do with your coach.
It constitutes practically a homework that he or she can send you off with individual golf training targets in between your coaching sessions.

Traceline all areas of the game
With the traceline drill, your coach can literally “prescribe” an ideal line of shifting as your personal target, using the pencil tool inside the heatmap. This functionality can be applied to all areas of the game, driving as well as pitching, chipping, and putting. Each would result in a different traceline as your individual golf training target.

Best use of your training time
What’s really great for your individual focus is you can turn off all other values and concentrate exclusively on the target line deemed ideal for your performance. This way, you reach your individual training targets sooner and make the best use of your precious training time.
Balance Goal – get ever closer to the pros!

Spot the ideal zone faster!
For every BAL.ON swing metric, there is a “corridor of the ideal” that marks the optimum performance on golf swings. We have derived it from our observations of tour pro averages.
With the Balance Goal feature, you see exactly where this space is on any given metric.

More importantly for your training, you spot just how close you have already come to the pro pattern.
That’s valuable information and an enormously potent motivator on any aspect of swing training.
Training Video Library – drills and more at your fingertips

More training assets whenever you need them!
Profit from more exclusive footage on training drills, model swings, and more.
As much as any golfer enjoys a good read or occasionally a good podcast, moving imagery is still one of the best ways to highlight the finer nuances of the golf swing, of drills, and body gesture.
With the Training Video Library you have them always accessible – no need to perform any metric-based swing rating before.
Unlock your full golf potential!

Ready to unlock all of your golf talent?
Tailor your training to your personal goals and dive deeper into drills and techniques.
BAL.ON Premium is free for the first three months of usage – afterwards, it comes at $ 5.99 per month.
For this, you enjoy the best BAL.ON has to offer in terms of specific training cues.